Benefit's They're Real Push Up Liner

It's been a while since I blogged actively. Not that I've not been buying cosmetics but perhaps it was more to that I didn't have much space to pen down my thoughts. Apologies gals but I'm back again for good! So I guess the best way to start my blog again is to introduce the hottest, yes I DO REALLY mean the hottest thing in town, "Benefit's They're Real Push Up Liner". They are out at all the Benefit's worldwide counters beginning 27 June 2014. But there was a flash sale at Sephora KLCC earlier and they had limited quantity for sale. I made sure I went there to get mine so that I can share it with you guys. Now "push up"? Push up what you wonder? Have a look at the liner below. Firstly the packaging is simply slick I would say and it's slim that you can carry it around easily. And oo yea it's a screw cover which means you need to unscrew the cover to open them. The tip if you could see from the photo below is ...