Imedeen Classic - Added Definition

I've been pretty occupied this few months, with having more than one engagements to work on and with having clients out of Malaysia, life was just all about..yes ALL about work and only work. Added I got attacked by bad cough as well. While i may forget to talk my cough mixtures on time, there's one thing that I never forget to have daily. What is this you wonder? Yea, it's my new addition to my daily routine recently. The ever famous 'Imedeen Classic'. For those of you who followed my blog will know that I recently added 'Imedeen Classic' to my daily diet. All I need to do is just to have 2 tablets a day of the miracle 'Imedeen Classic' pill and tadaaa you're supposed to have enhanced skin quality. Now did this really work? Sometimes skin quality is something hard to be showed on a photograph or to be tested. However, how if you walk to a skincare boutique to get some products and the sales assistant tells you that your skin is good and ...