Freshlook Illuminate's Free Trial

By now, am sure most of you out there know that I have a special interest towards contact lenses and I've been thinking of getting colored lenses of some events next month. So here I was browsing the Internet, looking for some idea on what to get and coincidentally i ended up at Freshlook Illuminate's website. And guess what, there's some promotion going on where all you need to do is sign up and you'll be getting 3 day free trial pairs. Wow, this is simply a great idea by Freshlook as usually you do not get to try lenses before purchasing. But I think we should really thank Freshlook for this as am sure more people out there will sign up for this and give it a try and with this, am sure you'll have more people out there purchasing it. Now, back to me. Did i sign up for this? Yes, of course I did. I quickly checked for my lenses powers and keyed in all the important information. Now am just waiting patiently for it and don't work girls, I'll surely po...