Do we really need to drink WateR?

While driving to work earlier this morning (oo yea am working today, thou I should have took 2 days extra leave to enjoy the break), I was suddenly thinking of benefits of actually drinking more water, as more of my close ones know that its really hard for me to consume more water during the day. Yes, I can never drink plain water unless its sweet (trust me, I have always wished that the plain water has some flavor rather than being blend). But I also know that bringing flavored water which has added sugar is bad for health. Now wondering how will water benefit our health? I realised this. By consuming more water you can actually help to eliminate body wastes and toxins and of course help to maintain the body Ph balance level in order to prevent and cure disease. Also the most important thing for me is that by consuming more intake of water can actually help you in losing weight without dieting. Wow! Is that really true? Can water help you in losing weight? Now how much water do you ne...